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BOY (4/20 Edition)

Good morning people!! It is Wednesday morning and you know what that means, we are back from a Tuesday night of popcorn-eating, slack-posting, and movie-watching! This past Tuesday night we had the pleasure of watching the 2010 dramedy (mix of comedy and drama) Boy, a New-Zealand film that had me rolling with laughter but biting…

Who has all the answers?

This past Tuesday night we watched and enjoyed the film, The Answer Man featuring Jeff Daniels (Dumb and Dumber). This movie features Jeff Daniels as Arlen Faber, a famous author who has written what seems to be the key to unlocking everyone’s religious and spiritual answers. This includes anything from advice on relationships to the…

What happened to Elly?

About Elly is an Iranian film from 2009 that overlooks a few certain ideals within the movie itself. This movie explores Iranian culture but something I noticed during the movie was how even with the Iranian culture being portrayed, I was able to find a numerous amount of cultural similarities between Iranian culture and the…

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What happened to Elly?

About Elly is an Iranian film from 2009 that overlooks a few certain ideals within the movie itself. This movie explores Iranian culture but something I noticed during the movie was how even with the Iranian culture being portrayed, I was able to find a numerous amount of cultural similarities between Iranian culture and the culture we have here in the United States of America. Of course, there was some cultural differences that were made quite apparent such as the gender roles of the women cleaning the kitchen and the men all hanging outside and smoking cigarettes. Popular American culture used to be that way with the assignment of gender roles but every day America is becoming increasingly liberal and things like assigned gender roles are a thing of the past, and most definitely, if anything, a joke among Americans. In Iranian culture, it is normal for a man to allow a woman to speak, and for her to not speak unless spoken to or given permission to speak. We see this exerted throughout the movie’s entirety but a particular scene in the movie is where I really caught wind of the weight that kind of power can hold. Towards the end of the movie when Elly is of course still missing and her fiance has came down to the beach house to look for her and her fiance confronts the woman who invited her on the trip and asks to speak with her alone. While speaking with her privately, the woman begins to attempt to explain her side of the story about Elly and what happened while she was down there and why she was invited in the first place. When trying to speak, the fiance aggressively quiets her telling her, “Did I tell you to speak?” Reclaiming his dominance over a woman he had never met with her husband just feet away. While I understand this is just apart of their culture and not long ago, we had this same style of culture in many homes across the United States. Many homes to this day have a dominating male presence that looms over the house. I think that is okay when it does not go too far. For example, I think there is nothing wrong with the man of the house being the bread winner or sole income provider for the house as long as the man does not hang it over the woman’s head that “she does not make any money, so I do not care what you say!” I think that attitude is toxic and if it is going to reach a level of that length then there is no reason to be with a person like this. I believe you can have a male presence but when it becomes too much and escalates, then that is where the issue lies with sometimes men thinking because they might make more money means they have some sort of power over the women in their life and that should just never be the case in any sort of circumstance especially in a situation where it is your significant other and/or wife. This is a sign of an unhealthy relationship and one you should take healthy measures to avoid, unlike Elly who we are not sure what exactly happened but I think she might have killed herself to escape the reality that she had to dwell in everyday. It is possible she perished attempting to save the life of the little boy, I at first believed that to be the case but as the plot unfolded by the second and thickened by the minute, I came to terms with I believe she took her own life. Which leads me to beg the question, did she attempt to save the little boy from drowning or did she plan to go down with him? Either way that question cannot be answered, the only true question we can have after this is, what happened to Elly after all? Either way it is a sad story that produces a sad reality that is that some women would rather commit suicide then have to face the dominating man they do not want to be with anymore.

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